

A JCCS Education

Excellence in Education

At JCCS, students the Grammar School consists of grades Kindergarten – 4th while the Logic School is grades 5-8.  Rhetoric School follows in grades 9-12. Students in Grammar School generally stay with one teacher throughout the day while our Logic and Rhetoric students will have various subject-specific teachers.

S.T.E.M. Focus

A defining trait of our education model is that we recognize Math as the foundation of a student's future S.T.E.M. success. We build this foundation with three proven techniques:
- Starting with Pre-Algebra in 7th grade, we extend Math instruction from the traditional one-hour period to two hours. This allows for a traditional math instructional period followed by a second period of Specialized Math Activities, as well as short break times.
- Specialized Math Activities include "board work" sessions where students stand up at a whiteboard and work example problems, both individually and in pairs or groups. The teacher observes this work, makes corrections, answers questions, and asks students to explain their work to the class. This technique has been developed and proven over decades of use at the U.S. Air Force Academy.
- After the traditional instruction period and Specialized Math Activities are completed, the remainder of the Math session (30 minutes desired) is spent with students at their seats, working on their assigned homework, with the teacher available for questions. This is a built in tutor for parents who may not feel equipped to help their aspiring S.T.E.M. student with upper level Math!

This approach is the Marshall Math Model of instruction, and is a unique yet proven method to Classically teach upper level Math. 

Note: Dr. Marshall served as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the U.S. Air Force Academy. He graduated with a B.S. from the U.S. Air Force Academy with Honors and a Double Major in Astronautical Engineering & Mathematics. He also holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Washington and a M.S. in Aeronautical Sciences from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He has taught at the High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate levels including courses in College Algebra, Calculus, and Astronomy since his retirement from the Air Force in 2014.           

JCCS Curriculum

List of 8 items.

  • Reading

    Our reading instruction is based on a strong foundation of phonics. Students learn the letters and their sounds and then learn to sound out words. 

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  • Grammar, Writing & Spelling

    Good writing, depends on good spelling and grammar. We believe handwriting and strong composition skills are also critical parts in the formation of intelligent communicators.
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  • Mathematics

    Grammar School math leverages the young child's incredible ability to memorize facts and rules. Students will first learn the "hows" and "whys" of math, along with facts, rules, and operations.
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  • History

    Kindergarten and 1st grade cover colonial America and 2nd grade follows with an appreciation of State history. In the 3rd grade, students embark on a six-year study of the development of Western civilization.
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  • Science

    The approach to science in the Grammar School is to explore the physical world that students experience in their everyday lives while appealing to their natural sense of wonder.
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  • Fine Arts

    In the Grammar School, students develop an appreciation of the renown masters, and great composers. Students learn how to study paintings and sculptures as well as how to recognize great works of art and music.
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  • Latin/Speech

    Students will begin their study of Latin in 3rd grade progressing toward a high school credit of Latin at the end of their Logic years.
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  • Electives

    Electives are designed to enhance your student's education and provide more hands-on learning in fun and creative ways.
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The Mission of Jabez Classical Christian School is to partner with parents to provide families with an affordable classical Christian education so that students can lead change for the glory of God.