

Welcome to JCCS

Thank you for considering Jabez Classical Christian School for the education of your child!  At JCCS, we consider it a privilege and ministry to partner with parents to provide a Christian, Classical, Collaborative education with a focus on S.T.E.M and our American freedoms. Our desire is to have this educational opportunity available to as many like-minded families as possible.

2 Corinthians 8:21

For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.
We believe the education and training of next generation is one of the best investments of your time and resources you will ever make.  Our desire is to shape future leaders who will make a positive impact and change for the glory of God.  

If we have sparked your interest in this mission, please visit our Application Process page to discover your next steps, click the INQUIRY button to get more information or TOUR button to sign up for an admissions event.  We want to equip you to make the best educational decision for your family.  We look forward to getting to know you better.
God bless you and your family!

Dr. J. Alan Marshall
The Mission of Jabez Classical Christian School is to partner with parents to provide families with an affordable classical Christian education so that students can lead change for the glory of God.